Awakening Your Mind

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The Awakener - Bringing light back into the world

The Extraordinary Few

Who am I that I could make a change? How can I make a difference?

Throughout history, it has not been those who have asked the questions that have made their mark on history, but those who took the next step. Those who have taken action.

Look around you. All intelligent human life can see what is going on around them. We all know what the questions are with regards to what needs to be done.

And for the most part, we all know the answers, as well. We know the answers because we are intelligent human life. The problem is, the answers usually aren’t easy choices. Easy choices or easy solutions would have already been done. But the answers we know require thought, preparation, effort, and sometimes, sacrifice.

That is why problems and challenges still exist. Too few of us “intelligent human beings” are willing to step forward, take a risk, accept the criticism, and make a difference.

Risk and criticism follow anyone who is willing to step forward and choose to make a difference. We make mistakes. None of us are perfect. But the individual who is willing to try, who is willing to fight the status quo, who is willing to reach and stretch and work for a better world is the one whom the masses will follow.

Look at all the truly great people of the earth. They didn’t just wake up one morning and say, “Today, I’m going to become a hero or heroine.” They just simply decided that if a particular change was going to happen, they were going to have to to be the one to do it!

And then they acted on their decision, and the rest, as they say, is history.

The secret is not in knowing something needs to be done, but in deciding to be the one to do it. It’s a very thin line of decision that separates the average from the extraordinary.

You are meant to be great. You are meant to be one of the extraordinary few!

Only you can make it happen.

Bob Curtis has a bachelor's degree in Psychology, and has been writing about the elements of relationships for a number of years. He is the manager of the Essential Sunshine Association, a new website for positive relationship development at

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