Why Don't You Help Yourself?
Many people long for a change of job, a change of lifestyle, a change of direction but many people never achieve this change. Why?
There are many why reasons people don't change their situation. Many are too afraid to try, others are too lazy and a very large number don't know how to change.
Recent surveys have shown that 80% of employed working people would like to change their jobs. Another startling fact from the same survey has found that 84% of employed people are under employed. This means they are carrying out duties which are below their capability whereas they're capable of carrying out a more responsible and senior position in their organisation.
The sad fact is, they don't even know it
There are many articles, books, courses and advice available for people wishing to 'better themselves' and I don't doubt there are many people who buy them. But what do they do with them when they have bought them? It's an absolutely certainty that the vast majority don't follow the advice given in the book or course. There are many reasons but they all have the same thing in common. People take NO action. We emphasise that this article will not be another self help manual on "How To".
What we are going to do is examine some of the reasons why people don't take advantage of opportunities staring them in the face.
You first need to critically examine your own situation in your working life.
Your self analysis will tell you if you are content and happy with your present situation. If so, you have reached your comfort level. But if you're not satisfied you can then start to think about how you are going to change things. Whatever you decide is necessary to improve your lot you must be determined to succeed. You need to believe you will be successful in your endeavours to change your situation, no matter what happens along the way.
Success is defined as:- "The achievement of something desired, planned or attempted. The gaining of prosperity or status".
Other things come to mind once you are successful, such as, Peace of Mind, Freedom from Fear, from Stress, from Worry and other problems.
Another important element of success is Health and Vitality. This is an individual situation but we can all improve our health and vitality.
Relationships are an excellent way of helping to obtain success. If you don't get on with people or are too introvert you will need to increase your confidence and self esteem. One of the most important necessities in being successful is to have Financial Security. This means you need to have sufficient resources to meet your needs during your search for success.
When you have met the criteria above you can start to PLAN how to achieve your ambitions. 'Plan' is the operative word. Without careful and detailed planning you will have difficulty in reaching your goal. You must Plan how to attain your objective by planning in stages and continually monitor your progress towards your goal.
If you have carried out the original self analysis correctly and fixed your objective firmly in mind (say to replace Bill Gates as the CEO of Microsoft!) you should have no difficulty in setting out each step by step progress, time frame, requirements and be in a position at any time to check your progress. When you do this you will see the areas where you are not performing well enough and immediately take remedial action.
Set your objectives realistically. Don't aim too high in the initial stages, always look for an opportunity to learn and gain experience. Learn from your superiors, your friends, your acquaintances and never miss an opportunity to promote yourself. If you follow these steps seriously, with considerable thought and determination you can succeed and continually improve your life-style.
If you do decide to take action to change your situation, whether it be to obtain promotion at work, start your own business or branch out into a new field you will find plenty of advice and assistance to help you prosper.
You can do anything you want if you MOTIVATE yourself correctly.
Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Self Help
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