8 Ways to Transform Your Life
Transforming our lives into “purpose” can be a most rewarding process. It can be one of the most challenging, as well. Living our lives with purpose means we must live in the moment, not in the past, nor in the future. It means to live consciously in the moment. That is the challenge! Too many of us live in the world of “what ifs” or in the world of “coulda, woulda, shouldas.” If you live in the world of regrets, you will fail to see the possibilities, hope and transforming energy in your life.
The following “8 Ways to Transforming Your Life” are suggestions you can use to find purpose in each and every day of your life. The suggestions are not some magical formula, nor anything extraordinary; they are simply purposeful actions that each of us can do on a daily basis to help us find purpose, meaning, and create transforming moments within our lives.
1. Journaling. Ah, the old practice of journaling! A simple tool, but most effective. Getting our thoughts out of our head onto paper is a most helpful tool. It has the potential to give you clarity around your thinking. It allows you to put your thinking into perspective and create a space for redirecting negative thoughts.
2. Thinking Your Self Happy. Most of us have heard the saying, “Fake it until you make it!” “Thinking your self happy” is another twist of that phrase. Happiness starts with our thinking. Thinking is the catalyst for our feelings; our feelings are the catalyst for our actions. Happiness starts from within; it does not have to be dependent upon the externals of our lives. Create happiness by thinking “Happy!” Smile more, laugh more, and think good thoughts.
3. Live for Today. Think about this for a moment. Can we really have our thoughts dwelling on the past or focused on the future, if we are to live for today? To live our life with purpose, we can only live in the moment. The past is lessons taught and the future never arrives; only the present moment arrives. Our choices today will influence the next “moment” when it arrives. We can’t tackle the tomorrows; we can only deal with today. Choose to live today with purpose.
4. Make a Plan. What a simple, yet most effective process. The “To Do List!” I call it the determination list, things I’m determined to do today. There is something edifying about creating and accomplishing a “Determination Plan of the Day.” By doing so, we begin to make better choices about living out the day; we recognize and better appreciate our responsibilities, we don’t just float through the day, but live it consciously; and we can eliminate indecisive living. We take charge of our lives, rather than letting life take charge of us.
5. Honor Your Mind. One of the key tools in helping prevent or reduce the effects of some forms of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, is keeping the mind active. Be determined to learn something new today; read something that you’ve been wanting to read for some time; create something new. Exercising the mind is like exercising the body; we need to put some exertion into it to make it count.
6. Renew Your Spirit. Our spirit is always in need of attention. It finds pleasure in finding purpose in our daily interactions with others. Be determined to do something for someone else today without expecting recognition for your good deed. Givers gain! Love always comes back to us if we give it away freely. Center yourself in prayer, meditation, or through a simple, quiet reflective walk. Reflect on the moment and relish it. Connect with your higher power.
7. Invigorate Your Body. Nourish your body today with exercise, good food, and healthy choices. Walking is the best form of exercise and the most accessible for most of us. Begin with short walks, making your walks over the weeks into longer more meaningful treks. Drink lots of water, your body will love you for it. Decide to kick a bad habit that is abusing your body by creating an alternative habit that is healthy.
8. Create a Quiet Space. Consciously create quiet time for yourself within your day. Connect with your higher power and get a better perspective on the things that challenge you. Reflect on the people you are blessed to have in your life and give thanks for the abundance God gives you each day. Renew your positive energy by meditating on your blessings of the day and strengthen your resolve to live a purposeful, conscious life.
“Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in life has purpose.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D.
Horizons Unlimited Life Coaching Services
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