Inside Your Mind - A Conscious Journey Of Discovery Through Reality
Have you ever wondered how huge the world is that we live in? Of course you have. The world only ever gets bigger as we see more of it. This start from our youngest age when the comfortable confines of the womb makes place for the slightly more hostile but larger and tempting world of the cot and nursery. It just gets bigger from there.
Have you ever considered how immensely huge the internet is? How many millions of websites and how many billions of sources of information, all accessible to you? Again, of course you have.
But has it occurred to you how enormous your own mind is? Think about it. All of your experiences to date are in there, none of them got erased even if you can't immediately recall them. All your experiences, the sights, the sounds, the smells, it's all there. I am sure it happens to you too that you smell some odour like hot tarmac or smoke from a fish mongers or something else, for you to be transported into a moment from a distant past. It's all there, in your mind.
These memories are in a sense snapshots from the past, they are static. The mind goes much further still. Think about all the things you ever thought about? The games you invented as a kid where you may have been nursing a doll or fighting knights on imaginary horses - with wings! The imaginary relationships you had when you were older, the things you learned at school. The day dreams, the real dreams, all of these are in your mind somewhere.
There is more still. Once you've got your thinking around the huge store of information, experiences and emotions that are in your mind, you are only scratching the surface when you realise that the mind is also an access point to consciousness and even universal consciousness. The mind makes the world and the internet look like the nursery room of your first hours on this earth.
Can you recall what you thought about when you where 6 years old, bored to distraction with the sums you were asked to work out by a patient adult? Probably not, these sort of memories are on the outer reaches of the universe of the mind. You can get there though, if that’s where you want to go.
In fact, you can go anywhere in the realm of your mind, no matter how remote or well hidden, if you are prepared to undertake the journey, you can reach these nuggets of the mind.
Travelling through memory lane can be entertaining or an emotional experience. For some people it is necessary to revisit some of those memory locations in order to experience the memory once again and change their perspective of a potentially distorted memory.
The realm of the mind has so many remote and interesting lands that it is almost hard to know where to turn to when we set off on that journey with our imaginary backpack. Should we construct our own lands and explore them to be surprised by what we find? Or should we take the narrow path down our own consciousness and stand at the boundary of our own mind peering into the land of the super conscious or the subconscious?
Personally I like visiting many different places when I travel but I know there are people that prefer to get a profound understanding of a single location to which they are quite attached.
At times when I was exploring the dimension of musical composition, I paved a path to an imaginary artist who taught me so much about composition that it was almost scary. Where does this knowledge come from? At other times when I was trying to solve a mathematical equation that was beyond my skills, I met up with Gauss and Einstein for advice. They were more interested in having some fun rather than help me, simply because my problem was so simple to them. They were good though, they helped me more than once!
Sometimes I like going of the beaten path and do things you’re not supposed to do. Like travelling through time in consciousness and then trying to orchestrate events in the future. With some success, might add. I’ll write about that another time.
Other times are just shear fun. I’ve got this flying saucer in a barn that I get out occasionally just to fly around quietly and just mess around in the air. The realm of the mind knows no limits.
Next time when it’s a rainy day and you have no inspiration, perhaps you should close your eyes and look inwards. You don’t have to buy a plane ticket or have a passport. You don’t need to take time off from work, the realm within is there. It’s doors are wide open for you to step in and do as you like. And who knows, we might bump into each other: as large as the mind is, it’s a small world, you know!
Henk Mulder has been writing articles since 1986. First as a freelance journalist in leisure and hobby electronics and later as regular columnist on world events. For a longer period still he has researched and experimented with his own mind and consciousness to come to the final understanding of what 'makes him tick'.
My life is a journey whose destination I am keen to avoid; I'm here for the exhilerating ride!