Awakening Your Mind

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The "Wouldn't It Be Nice If..." Game

In the Law of Attraction circles, there is a game that we play all the time and that I want to tell you about for it is a great one to keep your focus and manifest your wishes. The game is called "Wouldn't It Be Nice If...?"

Those who follow spiritual laws to lead their life know a basic fact and that is:

Your thoughts are very powerful. They determine your life.

If you think positive thoughts, you life is very positive. You are healthy, you have money, time, a great lifestyle, opportunities, friends, a good love relationship, and you live joyously.

If, on the other hand, you chattering mind is negative, your life is a disaster, so to speak. It is quite the contrary from been joyous. You are broke, you have no friends, no opportunities, your relationships suck, you hate your job, your health leaves much to be desired, life is a drag. You hate it most of the time.

So, how do you know what kind of thought are you thinking? Just look at you, your surroundings, and your reality. Most of us have our ups and downs. We are also very imbalanced, as some areas of our life are good, some are satisfactory, and some are plain yucky.

For instance, you may have a great family and good friends but you hate your job and your boss is exasperating. Or, you do love your job and make good money but you have several small physical problems or a huge one. Or, perhaps, you have good health and a loving family but have no money.

That means that your thoughts are positive in some aspects and negative in others. You need to learn to send positive thoughts all the time for everything in order to balance your life so all of it is just one joy after another.

What you need to do to balance your life based on the Law of Attraction and the power of your thoughts is to transform all of your negative thoughts into positive ones. To accomplish this, this simple game does wonders. Here is how you play it:

To everything that you so desire (but your mind limits), begin your sentence with "Wouldn't it be nice if...?" For example:

"Wouldn't it be nice if I had someone to help me organize my desk?"

"Wouldn't it be nice if I found the best caretaker for my pets when I way in the summer?"

"Wouldn’t it be nice if my body were supple and firm?"

"Wouldn't it be nice if I had a cash availability of $50,000 in the bank?"

"Wouldn't it be nice if I could eat all the chocolate in the world and still keep my ideal weight?"

By saying "Wouldn't it be nice if...?" you trick your mind into accepting what you want because it is just a wishful question and your mind can’t say: "Oh, yeah, right! Not in your dreams!" But pay attention how powerful this wishful question is when you play the game. Your manifestations will start pouring in your life.

© Maria Moratto 2006

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Dr. Maria Moratto is the author of "Healing Your Body, Mind, and Soul," "Mending Your Broken Heart," and “Spiritual Business: Attract Clients, Money, and Success.”


Focusing your mind on what YOU WANT instead of what you don't want is an important skill which you must master you ensure personal and financial success. Most successful people have mastered and internalised this fact eiconsciouslyouslunconsciouslyously, as they understand the truth that our dominate thoughts control our lives and the circumstances we find ourselves in...Keep your targets, goals and desires clearly in your sights and you will hit them, conversely if you focus on what you don't want you will hit it too.

It is imperative that you only focus on the outcomes and circumstances that you want to experience.

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