Awakening Your Mind

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The Awakener - Bringing light back into the world

JFK said...

The last post I made just reminded me of a quote I learned from JFK from the 1970s.

It was something like,

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your county".

Now this is quite similar to what the previous post talked about. However we can modify it for our purposes,

"Think not what your company/business/colleagues/family etc can do for you, but ask what you can to for them".

The Bible and virtually all the holy scriptures share this similar proverb, "give and you shall receive", unfortunately in today's world too many people are taking and not giving. However this makes it easier for you to stand out above the crowd.

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Blogger agc1987 said...

Lets not forget the age old saying, what goes around comes around, this can only further emphasise the point that if you give, then others will give to you!
You are a wise man my friend!

4:16 PM  

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